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contoh kalimat anti peluru

"anti peluru" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Bulletproof glasses will here.. here.. and there.
    Kaca anti peluru akan dipasang disini.. disini.. dan disana.
  • Body armor is not going to stop a headshot.
    Rompi anti peluru tidak akan melindungi kepala.
  • Fully bulletproof. A few little tricks up her sleeve.
    Anti peluru, dan dilengkapi dengan beberapa "trik".
  • The car is bullet proof, not politician proof. Hey.
    Mobil ini anti peluru, Bukan anti politis.
  • You have your bath without your vest?
    Hei Arun.. Kau mandi tanpa rompi anti peluru?
  • You'll wear the kevlar at all times.
    Kau harus memakai rompi anti peluru sepanjang waktu.
  • Bullet proof... Chassis and rear dampener were reinforced
    Anti peluru, chasis dan bemper sudah diperkuat
  • This is an armed caravan, completely bulletproof, magnetic locks.
    Ini adalah konvoi bersenjata, anti peluru, kunci magnetik
  • Can you wear a safety vest on your head?
    bisakah kau memakai rompi anti peluru di kepala?
  • That other officer, the sheriff, wasn't wearing a vest.
    Petugas itu, Sheriff, tak memakai rompi anti peluru.
  • A bullet-proof vest newly-invented by an expert.
    Rompi anti peluru baru ditemukan oleh seorang ahli
  • He's a blunt-force object... and seemingly immune to bullets.
    Dia senang main hajar. Dan kelihatannya anti peluru.
  • A crane pulled the armoured truck off the bridge.
    Sebuah krane menarik truk anti peluru keluar jembatan.
  • 2633, stop in the front of the armored truck.
    2633, berhenti didepan truk anti peluru.
  • You see, no more Kevlar vests for me.
    Kau lihat, aku tak perlu rompi anti peluru lagi.
  • Conspiracy sells-- it pays for bulletproof limousines.
    Konspirasi itu menjual, bisa membayar limusin anti peluru.
  • Not that you really need it, but... It is bulletproof.
    Kau tak membutuhkannya, tapi ini anti peluru.
  • Concerned citizens don't walk around wearing battle gear.
    Warga peduli tidak memakai rompi anti peluru.
  • So, I get out you got me.
    Anti peluru. Aku keluar lalu kau tembak?
  • But that's gonna be tricky because... it's bulletproof.
    Tapi akan jadi sedikit sulit karena... ..pintu ini anti peluru.
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